Abstracts, White Papers und Anwendungsberichte für die Gynäkologie
Barba, Marta et al: Efficacy of a Diode Vaginal Laser in the Treatment of the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause [lesen] |
Angioni, Stefano et al: Laparoscopic treatment of deep endometriosis with a diode laser: our experience_Nov 2021 [lesen] |
Sorrentino, Felice et al: Cesarean Scar Pregnancy Treated by Artery Embolization Combined with Diode Laser: A Novel Approach for a Rare Disease_April 2021 [lesen] |
Kovačević, Vera Miodrag et al: Changes in serum antimüllerian hormone levels in patients 6 and 12 months after endometrioma stripping surgery_Nov 2018 [lesen] |
Nappi, Luigi et al: Hysteroscopic metroplasty for the septate uterus with diode laser: a pilot study_Nov 2016 [lesen] |
Nappi, Luigi et al: Anti-Mullerian hormone trend evaluation after laparoscopic surgery of monolateral endometrioma using a new dual wavelengths laser system (DWLS) for hemostasis_2016 [lesen] |
Sergio Haimovich et al.: Office Hysteroscopic Laser Enucleation of Submucous Myomas without Mass Extraction: A Case Series Study_May 2015 [lesen] |
Stefano Angioni et al.: First case of prophylactic salpingectomy with single port access laparoscopy and a new diode laser in a woman with BRCA mutation_Aug 2014 [lesen] |